Legal Information

VC Crowd is an unincorporated association formed under Gibraltar law, and is administered by the Club Administrator, as appointed by the Club from time to time..

Any reference within the pages of this site to “we, “our”, “us” or the Club means VC Crowd.

General disclaimers and terms

While the Club has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained within the pages of this site is accurate, current and complies with relevant Gibraltar legislation and regulations as at the date of issue, errors or omissions may occur due to circumstances outside our control. We reserve the right to change the content, presentation, performance, facilities and availability of all or part of the pages of this site at our sole discretion and without prior notice. We make no warranty or representation that the pages of this site can be accessed at all times during the Gibraltar hours of business.

This site may be temporarily unavailable or restricted for administrative or other reasons. We will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the loss of the use of this site.

We do not accept any responsibility for information contained in any external third party sites which can be accessed by hypertext link from these pages or for these other sites not being available at all times. The links to any external third party  sites are provided for general information purposes only and the sites concerned and their contents are not endorsed or promoted by us in any way, unless otherwise stated. Please note that when You click on any external site hypertext link You will leave the Club website and access the external third party site at Your own risk.

Copyright and trade mark

© 2021 powered by the Club.  All rights reserved.

Copyright in the pages of this site, in the screens displaying the pages and in the information and material contained therein and their arrangement is owned by the Club unless otherwise indicated.  “VC Crowd” logo is trade mark of the Club which may also claim trade mark and service mark rights in other marks contained within the pages of this site.

Reproduction of these pages in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Club is strictly prohibited unless for private, non-commercial viewing purposes.

Email and other electronic communication

Please note that there is no guarantee that any electronic communication sent will be received by us, or that the contents of any such electronic communication will remain private or unaltered during transmission. If You have any such concerns You may prefer to telephone or write to us instead. We accept no liability for any damages You or others may suffer as a result of the alteration or loss of confidentiality of such information.

We filter, monitor and retain electronic communications to protect our systems and keep them running smoothly, and to comply with regulation and good business practice.


Any software is downloaded at Your own risk. We do not warrant the suitability of any such software which is downloaded and accept no liability for any problems with Your computer that may arise as a result. If You are in any doubt as to the suitability of software to be downloaded for Your computer it is recommended that You obtain specialist advice before downloading.

Our social media terms and conditions

Our “Social Media Platforms” include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and other social media platforms we make available. Social media sites, including but not limited to, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn are public domain. We are not responsible for and do not endorse the content posted by other users of these sites.

Geographic exclusion

We communicate to external audiences through our Social Media Platforms in a manner consistent with local legal and regulatory requirements. Content on our Social Media Platforms is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person's nationality, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of the content is prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply should not access the content.

Privacy and cookie policy

We take the protection of Your privacy very seriously. Technical processes are in place to ensure that the Club and external service providers comply with the data protection legislation. Access to our Privacy and Cookie Policy can be found here.